
Showing posts from March, 2022

Rock With Raaja - Chennai - Mar 18, 2022 - Concert Notes

It has been close to a week since the 'Rock with Raaja' concert at Island grounds (Theevu Thidal), Chennai, on Mar 18, 2022 . Lots of videos shot by enthusiastic fans are already doing the rounds on social media/Youtube. Thanks to the long day on Friday (started driving from Bangalore at 6am and went to bed at 3 am on Saturday) and the hectic next couple of days, I managed to put my thoughts and notes together only today. So here it goes... The event was scheduled to start at 6PM. We reached the venue without much trouble (the traffic diversions were widely published) at around 4.30PM and the whiff of Cooum engulfed and welcomed us! But it was no deterrent to the thousands of fans who were already making a beeline at the ticket counters and the entry gates. After a minor hiccup, thanks to an organizer staff who misguided us, we ( S Shanmuga Nathan & I) managed to secure our passes and gain entry around 5PM. Our friend Sandhiya Srinivasan and her family had held a couple ...